Take a picture, Be in the Moment

Photography is a form of art that allows us to capture the beauty and essence of the world around us. But beyond its aesthetic value, photography can also teach us an important lesson about mindfulness.

Sometimes I am so busy in routine that I forget the minutes and hours that make each moment. I often find myself multitasking, jumping from one task to another, and rarely taking a minute to pause and simply be. However, research has shown that when we cultivate mindfulness, we can reduce stress, improve our mental and physical health, and enhance our overall quality of life. I guess that’s what motivates me to see the world through a lens more often.

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Epiphany amidst the cacophony

At 6 AM everyday, I see an old man sitting alone in the park, sipping hot coffee from his Peet’s mug. He keeps his mask under his chin, and watches the birds flying above. I try to keep the social distance, tip-toe, and  balance my steps with my foggy glasses and cotton masks. Yet I wonder why he is there, for months, at that time of the day, alone. Continue reading “Epiphany amidst the cacophony”

Living in a pandemic: Longing, the word, the feeling


And now I understand something so frightening &wonderful-

how the mind clings to the road it knows,
rushing through crossroads, sticking

like lint to the familiar.”― Mary Oliver

Last week I heard it for the first time- my daughter reminiscing her recent pasts- “Remember when I used to go to school, you used to make smoothies?” Continue reading “Living in a pandemic: Longing, the word, the feeling”